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  • Health and Safety Tips – World Day for Safety at Work

    Health and Safety Tips in the Workplace To raise awareness of World Day for Health and Safety at Work we have put together key tips and recommendations on cost-effective equipment to keep your employees safe at work. Workplace Products are always safeguarding the health and safety of our employees. Promoting and creating a Health and Safety culture in the workplace can reduce the number of work-related deaths and injuries. Certain work safety tips can be followed by all employees, creating a safer work environment for all. The following tips will help mitigate

  • How to Stay Motivated while Working from Home

    Working from home can be fantastic and has many benefits to it. However if you are not used to working from home or are someone who prefers office structure it can be tough. With the current lock down that the UK has been placed under, many of us have found ourselves working from home. This is a big change to deal with and can often lead to people struggling to motivate themselves, and potentially lead to tasks not being done or just taking longer than usual. Here are some tips on how

  • Office Furniture – Preventing Back Problems

    Back problems are the cause of one in five staff absences within the workplace, having the correct office furniture can help reduce employee back pain and therefore, the absences related to this. It is important to have the correct workstation setup as this helps with posture and therefore reduces back pain. How to Setup your Workstation Correctly There are 6 key features of setting up your workstation. Elbow Measure – Rest your elbows on the work surface, checking that they are at a 90-degree angle. If they are not at 90 degrees

  • Why Standing More at Work is Like ‘Running’ a 10k

    Do you know how many hours per day you spend sat down? Most of us will spend a considerable amount of time on our backsides during the course of a day either working at a desk or watching TV. A recent survey found that on average we spend 12 hours a day sitting. Add those 12 sedentary hours to the desirable 7 hours of nightly sleep; that’s around 19 hours of being fairly inactive. This is clearly bad for us but what can we do about it? Most of the time we are

  • Office Chairs Buyers’ Guide

    Without a doubt, the right office chairs make a massive difference to your work environment. When it comes to selecting the right office chair, do you know what to look for? With so many different office chairs out there, it’s hard to determine which chairs will be ergonomically suitable for the way you work. The right office chair is going to support you in all the right ways and look good at the same time. If you already know the type or style of chair you want, then head over to our

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