Health and Safety Tips – World Day for Safety at Work
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { } ?>Health and Safety Tips in the Workplace To raise awareness of World Day for Health and Safety at Work we have put together key tips and recommendations on cost-effective equipment to keep your employees safe at work. Workplace Products are always safeguarding the health and safety of our employees. Promoting and creating a Health and Safety culture in the workplace can reduce the number of work-related deaths and injuries. Certain work safety tips can be followed by all employees, creating a safer work environment for all. The following tips will help mitigate
National No Smoking Day 2020
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { } ?>National No Smoking Day 2020 Facts, Figures, Hints & Tips As National No Smoking Day is upon us for 2020, its time to reflect on the facts and statistics associated with smoking. While all smokers are aware of the risks of smoking. We feel the occasional reminder may be all it take to motivate them to stop. Even though the harsh reality of its impacts are often ignored. Even though some may feel there is no point in quitting as they have smoked for such a long time. It’s important to remember
An Introduction to CoSHH and CoSHH Cabinets
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { } ?>What is CoSHH and does it affect my business? CoSHH stands for Control of Substances Hazardous to Health. CoSHH is a law that requires employers to take any necessary steps to control substances hazardous to health that are present within the working environment. As part of your CoSHH and Health and Safety assessments, you should also implement suitable emergency procedures. To help define how to deal with accidents involving these harmful substances. For example, these might include spill containment products, drench showers or first aid equipment. Consequently, as a result of the